O nas
Educatius Group to największa na świecie organizacja poświęcona realizacji programów szkół średnich za granicą. Oferujemy programy w 10 krajach, do których rekrutujemy studentów z 50 krajów za pośrednictwem partnerów i naszych własnych spółek zależnych. Nasz różnorodny, globalny zespół łączy wspólna pasja do edukacji i dawanie możliwości naszym uczniom do wykorzystania ich pełnego potencjału. Od 2003 roku Educatius ogromnie się rozwinął i obecnie posiada 10 marek w 8 krajach, z siedzibą główną w Bostonie w USA i Göteborgu w Szwecji. Nasza siostrzana organizacja charytatywna Aiducatius działa na rzecz poprawy życia uczniów poprzez edukację dzieci uczących się w Tanzanii, Ekwadorze i Gambii.
Open positions at Educatius
The role
Local Coordinators are one of the most important pieces of our company and allows us to provide quality placements and support for our high school students coming to study in the United States. We have a large team of Regional Managers and Local Coordinators throughout the country. The Local Coordinator, with the support of their Regional Manager, is the “go to” person for the students while they are here to help them adjust to their new life in the U.S.
Responsibilities include:
– Finding, interviewing, and screening host families for students coming into their local community. Host families receive a monthly stipend.
– Provide support for students and host families during the school year so that everyone enjoys their experience.
Educatius supplies training for all Local Coordinators and each Local Coordinator will have a Regional Manager to provide continued training and support.
This job is a part time, independent contractor, work from home position and perfect for someone looking to earn some additional income while interacting with students from other cultures. Pay is commission based per student placed.
Skills needed:
– Experience working with people, teenagers in particular.
– Ability to network within their community to recruit host families.
– Creativity and persistence.
– Ability to remain neutral in problem solving situations.
– Social media skills (Facebook) a plus.
To apply: Fill out our application form here.